Are you ready to HAVE CLARITY AND FEEL INSPIRED about your closet again?

Are you looking to SHAKE THINGS UP in your closet?

Are you ready to explore new OUTFIT POSSIBILITIES you'll love?

Currently you may feel:

  • You often resort to the ‘same old thing’, but you’re becoming bored with wearing the same outfits time and time again.
  • You have items in your wardrobe that you haven’t worn in years, still hanging up ‘just in case’ you may wear them again.
  • Overwhelmed with what you have and don't know where to start when it comes to clearing it out.
  • Ready to get clear on what you have and making it work for you and your style.
  • Unsure how to best organize what you have and get clear on what you need.
  • Like you've lost the fun in your style and aren't sure what to-do next to bring some fun and creativity back into your closet.

If you resonate with any of the above…





A workbook to download and use as many times as you'd like to help create clarity when it comes to your style vision and closet.

Journaling prompts:

You'll get prompts to help you think about what you want with your style, your vision, and the direction you truly want to see when it comes to your closet.

Stylist Secrets:

Style secrets via exercises in a workbook that can really help you hone-in on a closet that will make you feel good and function for your lifestyle.

Style Exercises:

Style exercises that will help you go through your closet, get clear on what you want, and help you expand your outfit possibilities to get your thinking outside of the box.

Closet Clarity:

Exercises and journalling prompts to help you explore what you have, what you want, and have you looking at what you have in your closet in a different light.

Strategic Homework:

A step-by step process that will help you go through your closet and get clear on your needs, and help you build outfits from what you already own.



This workbook will be emailed to you for use as soon as you purchase (please check your spam folders). Alternatively, you will also be able to login using a username and password you create to obtain the workbook from your member dashboard. 

This is a complete self-study workbook.

The workbook is yours to keep to review and reuse as many times as you'd like.

Investment: $25 USD

All online sales are final and subject to these terms.


50% Complete

Two Step

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