It's time to rise up and level-up your style game to match the magnetic woman you are.

Why? It matters what you see in the mirror. If you're ready to call in the big dreams, goals and vision you have for yourself - it's crucial you have a look at your style. It not only helps communicate to others where you are going but also shows your mind that you are already here when you look in the mirror. When you see her -- that badass, empowered, confident woman looking at you in the mirror -- your mind will then alter your behaviour so that you start showing up as her in action during the day. 



  • Unsure of how to create that ‘put together’ look you admire in others you see.
  • Confused or frustrated with not knowing how to create beautiful looks that flatter you and how to create outfits in the morning with ease.
  • Frustrated with buying things that offer little to no versatility or that don't reflect your essence.
  • Ready to take your business and brand to the next level. You want your image and brand to align knowing it will make you more money.
  • Ready to ensure the message you’re communicating with your style in alignment with who you are.
  • You’re ready to make yourself a priority.
  • You’re ready for a change in your life and want your style to reflect the new you.
  • You’re ready to learn more about your body-type, investigate your style, and become a style expert about your own sense of fashion.
  • You’re looking for the most in-depth experience and personal transformation.
  • You’re unsure how to flatter your body-shape and want to learn how to best style it.
  • Your closet is full of pieces; some you love and others you don’t know what to do with.
  • Ready to make your closet a true reflection of who you've become and filled with pieces you love.
  • Ready to create your signature sense of style.

If you’ve identified with any of the above (or perhaps all), you’re in the right place!

During your image consulting appointments, we’ll help you feel beautiful and confident in your own skin! As a personal stylist and style coach, I’ll show you how to embrace your body, love its shape, and take steps toward creating your next-level woman vibe.

If you’re an entrepreneur, we’ll hone-in on your ideal image to reflect the high-level boss you are.

To get started we’ll:

  1. I'll send you a style profile and request some pictures of you so that I can learn more about your current style, ideal style, your brand, lifestyle requirements and big vision goals. 
  2. We’ll schedule an initial call to discuss your style profile. I'll then chat more in-depth with you about the process, ask questions about what you filled out in your profile, and get clarity on your goals for working together. 


Your appointment breakdown will happen as follows: 

  1. Initial phone consult. See above.
  2. We’ll create a mood board reflecting your style goals, needs, wants, and desires to ensure that the vision we’re moving forward with is the one you’re after and reflects the woman you are becoming.
  3. Colour analysis: The best base in creating a style you love is knowing what colours are best for your clothing, hair, makeup, and accessories. I’ll come to your home with colour fabrics to perform a colour analysis. We’ll have you sit in front of a mirror near natural lighting (which we can bring if you don’t have it at no extra cost) and drape you in various coloured fabrics. It’s a visual appointment, so we’ll show you which colours are better for you and why as we put different coloured fabrics around your face.  Once we’ve found what colours make you shine, I’ll provide you with a personalized colour wallet with your colours in it. I’ll sit down and show you how to use it so that you’ll understand how to find your colours when shopping for clothing and accessories! Knowing your colours eliminates frustrating shopping trips and makes your closet more streamlined so that you have the ability to mix and match your wardrobe seamlessly. We can also go over makeup you're currently using following this session to ensure the colours are best for you.
  4. Body-shape info: Let’s teach you about YOU. I'll show you your body type, how to flatter it, and how to style it. I’ll show you tips and tricks for dressing yourself so that you feel fabulous in knowing you’re going to rock any outfit you put together. You’ll learn how-to select the best clothing for yourself, how to wear jewellery, what neck and hemlines flatter you the most, and more. We can break down what isn’t working, what is, and where to go from here. This will be done at the same time as the Shop Your Closet session.
  5. Shop Your Closet:  Most of us only use a fraction of our closets due to clutter, not knowing how to mix and match, or because we’re unsure of how to create looks we love. In addition to giving you a break-down of your body-type and how to style it, Ill help you sort through your closet to help decide what pieces flatter your figure, what you can alter, and also, what to purge if it doesn’t serve you (or how to use an item as a transition piece until you have a better replacement). We’ll spend a few fun-filled hours in your closet!  I’ll show you how to create multiple looks only using a few key pieces at a time. Unsure how to mix prints? I’ll teach you. Don’t know how to wear jewellery? I have you covered. Want to know how to put flattering looks together? Done and done. Need versatility so you can easily pull together beautiful outfits? No problem. I will take pictures of each new outfit we create and make a look book for you that you can reference every-time you get dressed. We’ll show you how-to mix and match so you’re able to create outfit options for years to come. As we comb through your wardrobe, we’ll create a list of pieces you may need to purchase in future to fill in any gaps you may have. If you have a robust closet, extra time may be needed to go through your wardrobe. This can be done with me or you can leave me to it while you carry on your day! 
  6. Personal Shopping: I pre-shop for all of my clients to make sure flattering pieces from the stores will be ready and waiting for them for the appointment time (this takes approx. 4-5 hours of my time to prep and cull through selections for you so they're ready and waiting!). With the list we’ve made from your closet and any additional options we may have discussed for purchase, I’ll hunt down hidden gems that will further capture your beautiful style while ensuring they will seamlessly blend in with what you have at home. The budget is set by you and there is no need to purchase anything should you not want to. I’ll show you stores that will help you achieve your style while demonstrating how to select gorgeous pieces without frustration. We'll have you try things on and style looks for you while out. Want a bite to eat? A little champagne? Let's grab lunch, too! It's on me. In-person shopping with lunch typically lasts 4.5 hrs. and occurs in the Mississauga or Toronto area. Prefer to do this online? No problem. 
  7. Wardrobe Remix: It’s time to bring the two worlds (old and new) together. We’ll spend more time in your closet creating additional outfits with the new pieces we purchased at the stores while blending them with what you already have to create closet peace. We’ll take more pictures of each look we create so you can keep the photos on your photo for reference in future for outfits needed in a pinch. This is a fun styling appointment where the outfit possibilities will soar!
  8. A lookbook: I will create a lookbook for you of the outfits we've created for you to look at anytime you need inspiration. 
  9. Voxer access is available Monday through Thursday during our time together! Ask me questions, send me outfits you want opinions on, shop items you may be out and considering—anything you like!

What have some of our other lovely clients have had to say about the experience? 

“The best two words I can give you about Christie? HIRE HER. I first hired Christie while I was on maternity leave with my second baby. I was 6 months post-partum and hadn’t really bought any “real” new clothes since I was pregnant with my son 3 years before. My closet was a mish-mash of disposable pieces I purchased to get me through whatever season I was in, and nothing worked together. There was no cohesion in my closet and I was turning into the frumpy “lululemons and a t-shirt” mom. I came across Christie on Twitter, looked up her website and contacted her the next day. It was the best decision I’ve ever made.

I selected the complete makeover and was thrilled with the results. Simply by wearing the appropriate colours for makeup and clothing and buying clothes that fit properly, I felt like a new person. Friends and family immediately commented that I looked years younger and pounds lighter; an impressive feat when dealing with a toddler and an infant all day. One great thing about Christie is that she didn’t try to change who I was; on the contrary, she really listened to what I said and brought out who I was and what I was comfortable in. She pushed me out of my comfort zone a little bit to encourage my to try new things and I look better as a result. (I now actually wear accessories, thanks to her.) She works miracles in stores, pulling together outfits you would never have managed on your own.

I was so impressed with the results that I hired her for my husband. I re-hired Christie for myself when I needed to purchase my back-to-work wardrobe a few months ago. Two more of my family members have now hired her, as has one of my neighbours. As skilled as she is with makeup, determining your colours and being a shopping whiz, Christie is one of the most fun, personable and genuine people I’ve had the pleasure of working with. She makes you feel as if you’re out shopping with your best friend. My makeover with Christie left me feeling 10 years younger and 20lbs lighter! Everyone needs to work with her – do it for yourself!”

– Melissa G

Package includes:

  • Style profile to fill out.
  • Initial consult.
  • A Custom style mood board for approval.
  • Colour analysis.
  • Personal colour analysis fabric swatch wallet with your colours in it. 
  • A Body-type analysis during wardrobe session.
  • A wardrobe session.
  • Shopping list to fill in your wardrobe gaps.
  • Pre-sourcing to find and create your outfits for the personal shopping service.
  • Personal shopping. I’ll create new looks while also filling in any wardrobe gaps you may have in your closet.
  • A post-shopping wardrobe and styling session to show you how all of your new pieces melt into your existing wardrobe.
  • Complimentary lunch and/or snacks during your sessions.
  • Travel within most of the GTA or Toronto area.
  • Custom look-book of your outfit pictures taken during our sessions in a virtual closet.
  • Coaching via Voxer (a live messaging/text/picture/voice memo app). Ask more questions, get daily feedback on outfits, whatever you’d like!
  • Parking fees for home visits are not covered and will be billed accordingly.


After purchase, you will receive an email (please check your spam and promotional folders) with instructions to get started.

Investment: $11,111 (includes HST).

All online sales are final and subject to these terms.

*Packages are valid for 6 months.

*Any meals needed during the sessions will be complimentary.

We serve clients all over Ontario and are happy to come where you are: Toronto, Mississauga, Oakville, Burlington, Hamilton, and beyond! If you are outside of Ontario and would like Christie to travel to you, please contact us for more information. 


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