Are you looking to CALL IN YOUR NEXT LEVEL WOMAN? 

Are you looking to kick your style up a notch and have a stylist's help?

Are you ready to take control of your style and no longer worry about what to wear?

Currently you may feel:

  • You often resort to the ‘same old thing’, but you’re becoming bored with wearing the same outfits time and time again.
  • Unsure on how to get clear on what you want for your style.
  • You need help and advice from a stylist on outfits you're creating, your shape, and getting wardrobe help.
  • You have items in your wardrobe that you haven’t worn in years, still hanging up ‘just in case’ you may wear them again.
  • Unsure of what your body-type is and/or how to flatter your shape.
  • Pieces you loved in store remain unused in your wardrobe because you aren’t sure how to create an outfit with them.
  • You’ve looked at your closet in the morning and said “I have nothing to wear”.
  • Envious of women who always look “put together”. You’d like to achieve the same aesthetic.
  • Frustrated with all of the clutter; you’re unsure what to get rid of and what to keep.
  • Frustrated when shopping. You’re tired of going into stores and coming out empty handed or unsure if what you bought works for you.
  • Unsure of what clothing looks good on you or how to take your style to the next level.
  • Feel like your style doesn’t reflect who you are as a person.

If you resonate with any of the above…

All the women I’ve worked with over the past decade feel the same way. They’ve felt the frustration; lack of confidence, and uncertain of how-to style their body-type in a way that seamlessly fits well into their lifestyle and personal taste. I’ve been able to show them how to put together new, fresh looks from their own closet, how-to uncover hidden gems they had passed over hundreds of times when putting together outfits, and how-to shop in a way that alleviates frustration, tears, and wasted hours roaming the stores. Each woman I’ve been able to help discover fashion in a way that feels like an authentic representation of who they are. I LOVE helping women translate the world of fashion and style and cannot wait to-do the same with you!

“Before taking this course, I had previously done the colour analysis with Christie and was completely blown away at the difference the right colour choices made in my appearance which led me to take Christie’s Online Personal Style course. Although I bought clothing in the correct colours, things that looked great on other women, didn’t look so great on me. With this course, I learned my body shape, my style, and how to dress/style myself authentically! The investment of the course will definitely pay for itself with the savings from money spent on the wrong items. Shopping will never be the same again! All of this wouldn’t have been possible had it not been for a search on YouTube for ways to streamline my closet. That’s how I found Christie and I’m SO glad I did! Thank you Christie for creating such a wonderful course for all of us outside of Canada! It truly is the most invaluable information for anyone wanting to up their fashion sense and take their look from ordinary to extraordinary!! XoXoXo” – Demechi L.

This course changed my entire perspective on clothes and how I get dressed in the morning. Even more importantly, Christie helped me see that clothes should fit my body, NOT that my body needs to fit a certain style; and that new self-confidence has been game changing for me. This course is filled with useful information and helps you find a community of women on the same journey. In just a matter of weeks, Christie will share an absolute wealth of knowledge on how to match your closet to your personality style and your body shape. She’ll share tips on the proper cut and fit, your ideal colors, and how to shop. Ultimately, she’ll teach you how to consider and stay true to who you really are when you get dressed, allowing you to always put your best foot forward. She is a natural community builder and I was pleasantly surprised by the value of the online community of the course setting--I never felt like I was tackling it all alone! Christie is a positive and knowledgeable force and will absolutely guide you through a transformation, not only in how you look, but also in how you feel about yourself. – Erin B.



Videos, exercises, and workbooks to help you create a personal style you're obsessed with!


Detailed information about how-to figure out your style vision, find what your body-type is, how-to style it (as well as things to avoid) and how to shop and go through your closet to help you bring your style to fruition.

Stylist Secrets:

I’m going to give you high-level information on how lines manipulate the body, what necklines are best, how-to use accessories, how-to mix and wear colour, and how to use it to your advantage so you always look put together and on-point when you get dressed.

Style direction:

Ever wonder why some looks/outfits suit some people so well but can look horrible on others? I’ll help you identify what your personality style is so that you can easily select outfits that suit you and your next-level women vision when it comes to your closet and style.

Closet Clarity:

I'm going to help you shop your closet! Let’s get rid of the clutter and pieces that don’t serve you, and uncover the hidden gems that help you communicate who you are and what your taste is. I’ll show you how to create looks from what you already, give you fun but stretching style exercises that will have you thinking outside of the box, as well as how to create your own look-book for outfit ideas on busy mornings.

Lifetime access to the Personal Style Course:

You’ll be able to login to the course anytime you want, forever. Because of this, any updates and upgrades the course may receive in future you’ll also have access too!

Strategic homework:

I'll be providing you with fun exercises and strategic homework to help you discover your personal style, get clarity with your closet, learn how to shop effectively, and help you navigate your way through the material.


Transcripts of each of the training modules! If you’re someone that learns better through reading rather than watching, no problem.

Six Personal Style Workbooks:

The workbooks will help you map out ideas, provide you with coles notes, and allow you to work-through each week’s training. I, of course, will be available to help you when you need it in the group.

“I’ve been so happy with my style and how it evolved in this group and during the personal style course! It is very liberating to just to allow myself to dress in a way that makes me happy. I don’t worry about what others think, I just dress for my authentic self every day šŸ˜Ž.

Thank you, Christie, for giving me that freedom!” – Sarah P. 

“I thought twice about the cost of this and was skeptical as to how hands on an online course could be. Well, I’m happy to report I couldn’t be more pleased with the results! Christie not only took us through every aspect of our closets but with the help of the private FaceBook group, answered every single question promptly and throughly. With the others in the class posting photos and questions it felt like we were all together and working as a group. The knowledge that Christie has given me has let me revamp my closet to not only work better for my environment but has also let me be more comfortable in my clothes which obviously made me feel and look better. I’ve already raved about this course to several others and will continue to do so.” – Dawn


What is your next-level vision when it comes to your style? How does your highest and best self dress? This week, we're going to identify your vision, get clarity around what style is, how it evolves and how you can step out of your comfort zone and begin shaking things up in your closet! So much goodness!

This week, weā€™ll be discussing the body-type in-depth as well as otherĀ high-level informationĀ to take into consideration when it comes to your style.Ā This is a juicy module.

Ever wonder why some clothing seems to suit some people and not others? Iā€™ll teach you how-to identify your personality style.Ā 

Letā€™s talk about how to accessorize! They're so powerful in changing up our look and creating more outfit possibilities.Ā 

Letā€™s shop your closet! Let's clear out what no longer serves you, and start further calling in your next-level self and style. We'll discuss must-haves, how to purge properly (and you can get my feedback of course on items you're unsure of), and we'll talk about how to take your outfit possibilities through the roof. No shopping required!Ā 

Letā€™s talk shopping! There are SO many options on where to shop nowadays it can be overwhelming; I totally get it. Iā€™ll show you some easy shopping hacks to help you decipher where to go, and where I recommend looking for certain pieces (including some of my favourite shopping destinations!). Iā€™ll provide you with a shopping list of goodies I recommend you have in your closet as suggestions also.

Letā€™s discuss some important style info! Weā€™ll cover essential information regarding fit, proportions, and how lines manipulate the eye (and what that means for your outfits!in your closet as suggestions also.

“I received Christie’s Personal Style Course as a Christmas gift from my husband. What a fun and educational eight weeks! The weekly videos were informative and extensive. I honestly never knew there were so many elements to creating your own personal style. I have gone from standing in my closet and thinking, “I have nothing to wear,” to having several modules put together that I can pull from on any given day. I have an endless number of outfits now and know how to accessorize them. Christie’s personal help on the private Facebook page has been invaluable. She is very involved with the group and quick to offer encouragement, feedback, and detailed guidance. This was a fantastic course. I highly recommend it to anyone who is looking to establish or refine their own personal style!” – Ronnette

I wanted to share a little bit of my testimony of how this Course helped me improved in my style & w/o noticing in my mind/heart! Since the beginning, I had an open mind to any teaching but I wasn't expecting SO much learning! I bought my 1st belt & mini skirt, did my 1st full-tucked in & half too & became a Pinterest-Board-Fan...for me it was more about accepting my Personal Style & shaping it!!! - Lyzette V


This course is held completely online and is a self-study program.Ā 

The course content is yours to keep and review whenever youā€™d like.

“Awesome course! I took it and highly recommend it! Best investment you can make for yourself!” – Michelle Z.

“Honestly one of the best things I’ve ever done just for me. I wish I had been able to do something like this years (decades) ago! If I had a daughter or daughter in law I’d give this as a gift.” – Dawn F

I started to follow Christie on YouTube at a moment when I was feeling bad about my body and had lost a lot of my self-confidence. Not only did her deep knowledge about style and colors convinced me to take “How-to create your personal style” course, but also her beautiful energy, radiance and speaking of love and self-love! And I don’t regret it! This course has not only given me a shoot of energy and self-confidence with the colors I can wear and the style that can be mine, but it has literally changed my life! I’ve recognized my self-confidence and the ability to realize the dreams I had when I was young and that I had forgotten. Christie was my guide during a beautiful journey in fashion šŸ™‚ Trust her, you won’t regret it! - Laurence from Belgium

“Thanks a million times for this amazing course. It has during these 8-9 weeks changed my thoughts and life in a wonderful way.

I love the way that you have build this course around who I myself describe me as an individual and my goals. That you present tons of relevant and high level information about colors, style, body types, personality styles, wardrobe basics, building modules, accessories and much more in a very inspiring and easy to translate into use way.

To be able to save a lot of money on buying the wrong clothes or to be able to invest in better quality instead. Such a pleasure to be able to shop for clothes that will fit me, my closet and my wallet.

Only 8 weeks ago I mostly saw my “faults” like my stomach, bulgy legs and redspotted skin in my face and were hiding myself in much too big clothes. Now I am much more happy and I can truly say that I can see that I am beautiful. I am so thankful!

All the love to the moon and back.” – Martine B.

"I cannot say enough wonderful things about Christie. First off, she is a true Gem! Always professional, down to earth and a positive energy. This Lady knows what she's talking about! If your thinking about working with Christie, stop thinking! Do yourself a favour and say ‘YES’!!

I recently took part in her Personal Style Course and it far exceeded my expectations. It wasn’t just an evolution in my closet, it was an overhaul of my style and a complete shift in my vibe!

The course was high vibe, judgement free and supportive every step of the way. I learned that there isn’t a ‘one style fits all’ and felt empowered to step into style that is true to my authentic Self. I learned how to style my body in a way that compliments my curves using clothing in my own closet! You might think you have “nothing to wear” but Christie teaches you how to take pieces you already own and put them together in a way that fits you shape and compliments your overall look.

She gives great tips on in-store shopping and how to choose online pieces to avoid frequent returns. You learn what’s worth saving in your closet and what you need to donate/toss. Learning about body types and clothing that best suits each body type, eliminated the idea that clothing should look the same on everyone. We learned that every woman’s body and style is different, and that’s okay! We don’t all think the same, so why should we hold the same standard when it comes to clothing and style?!

Looking at my closet now, it brings me such joy in knowing that I am curating the closet of my dreams. Getting dressed for the day, event, date, evening, vacation or even just to stay at home is exciting again! Putting together an outfit has become much easier and fun!

Stepping out of this course, I feel the confidence to rock what I love even if that means, it’s not someone else’s ‘cup of tea’. I feel a new sense of confidence in myself and in my style. I have even received numerous compliments from people who have seen a shift in my style since taking Christie’s course. I LOVE stepping out everyday feeling “put together” and High Vibe. It has changed the way I view myself and how I interact with others." - Kim R.

Ready to create your personal style?






  1. Will the course be mostly self-directed or do you plan of giving personal feedback too? The course is 100% self-directed. I do not answer any questions. If you have questions, please join Rise Through Style as I regularly answer questions for members exclusively there.
  2. Iā€™m super busy right now. What if I donā€™t have time to take the course now?Ā You have this content forever. And you can take the course completely at your own pace.Ā 
  3. Are you offering a payment plan?Ā Yes. There is a payment plan that is 3 months in length.
  4. What can I expect from this course? A comprehensive step-by-step explanation on how-to create your personal style. Everything you need to help you hone-in on what your personal style is laid out for you.Ā 
  5. How long will it take me to create my personal style? Some people will figure their style out within the 7 weeks of the course by following along each week. Some people will take a few months as they work through the material at their own pace. Others will take longer than that if they like to take baby-steps. There is no rush; itā€™s entirely done at your comfort level. Style is a practice and it takes experimentation.
  6. Can you guarantee specific results? I love this course process and I deeply believe in what I teach. The testimonials on this page are from real live people who have hired me, followed my recommendation and got great results.

More Questions? Email: [email protected]

DISCLAIMER: Because I have to say this: I canā€™t guarantee or warrant results. The testimonials on this page may not be typical for all students.

All online sales are final and subject to these terms.


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