Get visible, make bank, and grow your business as a stylist.

When I first became a stylist, I thought my income would be a max of $60,000/yr, now, I make  $60k -100k monthly. That's because I stepped into being not only a stylist but a Style CEO.

I want to help you do the same. 


Imagine where your business could be six months from now after creating dream offers, having soulmate clients, and having the support you need to ask your questions.

How would your life transform? Imagine the excitement and gratitude as you close the year!


In reality, though, you may currently:

- Be stalking and scrolling other stylists' social media accounts, analyzing what they're doing that's making them successful that you're missing.

- Confused why no one is jumping in on your styling offers regularly. Your monthly income is all over the place.

- Feeling pains of comparison or like you're 'missing out' from creating a thriving styling business.

- Confused about how to scale and attract more soulmate clients.

- Feel unsure of what steps to take to make more money and have more clients enter your world.

- Not sure how to elevate the standard of clients you serve? People always seem to want to haggle your fees.

- How to do LESS but make MORE money.

- Unsure where to start when it comes to building your business and brand. 

- Unsure how to create content that makes you STAND OUT.

- Undecided how to call media attention to your company and leverage it effortlessly

- Frustrated that sales aren't coming in regularly and with ease.

- Like you've lost the fun in your business and want the creativity and fun to return.

- Icky about selling - you want your business to feel more organic.


If you resonate with any of the above…


I've had the pleasure of running my styling business for over 15 years, now generated over $2.5 million in sales (something I never knew would be possible when I began) -- all while having the honour of styling women from around the world and teaching other stylists how to do the same.



Sometimes, you need a little guidance on the way. I created this program because I was so lost and unsure of where to start when I began my career and had no idea what my next steps were to make my big dreams a reality. I wanted to create something that would bridge the gap for those looking to start a business aligned with their deepest desires and the message they want to share.

"My experience with Christie Ressel has been exceptional. I was lucky to have learned of her Style CEO program juse as I was launching a personal styling business. Even one hour of Christie’s time is invaluable. 
She knows her stuff, both on the business and the styling side. A killer combination. I look forward to joining Christie’s other offerings in the future. Thank you for your service Christie!" -Leslie C

A message from a client, Julie, who's 3x'd her income, tripled her following, and now has the styling business of her dreams.



Exclusive Trainings:

You'll receive 10 module trainings from Christie exploring different topics each week. You'll be able to ask her questions as she walks through each week's material.

Business strategy and clarity:

Learn how to effectively create offers and services people are dying to jump into while also creating marketing that resonates with your people deeply. They'll seriously wonder if you had them in mind! 

Journaling prompts:

You'll get prompts to help you think about what you want with your business, where you'd like to go, and what your next aligned steps will be.


Guidance on how-to get featured in media and clarity on how to effectively create content and marketing that gets you paid. 

Business Clarity:

Clarifying your business, who you serve, your brand image and feel (it's not just about websites and colours), and creating a blueprint that guides you to your dream business with ease and excitement! 

Lifetime access to Style CEO:

You’ll be able to login to the course calls anytime you want, forever. Because of this, any updates and upgrades the course may receive in future you’ll also have access too!

Strategic homework:

Strategic homework to help you clarify your vision and help you navigate your way through the material.


10 Workbooks to help you map out ideas, provide you with coles notes, and allow you to work-through each week’s training. 

"Christie’s Style CEO course is mind-blowing! If you’re on the fence about taking the course, do it! You won’t regret it! Whether you are a new or seasoned entrepreneur, you will receive so much insight on creating your dream business that feels SO authentic to you! Christie has paved the way, as a successful CEO herself, creating an amazing course with ALL of her knowledge to help fellow entrepreneurs! Believe me; she leaves NOTHING on the table! ...If you’re willing to do the work and be completely honest with yourself, you will have your dream business for your dream clients in no time at all! When I started this course, I immediately put my website on hold because I knew many changes would come! I’ve since shared my redesigned business as a soft launch with my current clients only and have had such success that I’m excited for the official relaunch with the public soon! I haven’t been this excited about my consulting business in a while! It’s all thanks to Christie and her badass Style CEO course!" -Demechi L


I’ve been a successful stylist for over 15 years. In that time I've: 

- Been in media (they approach me!): television, podcasts, newspapers, blogs, online magazines and more.

- Have taught image consulting, colour and marketing in colleges.

- Train stylists around the world.

- Was VP of AICI Canada (Association of Image Consultants International).

- Have taught thousands of women about style.

- Understand marketing and creating a heart-centered business.

- I’ve delivered hundreds of workshops to corporations, women’s groups, and schools discussing self-confidence, style, and image all over North America. Here are a few places I’ve been featured as a fashion expert:

“Christie came into my life at the perfect time and not only transformed my business but also my mindset. She helped me to elevate my vibration in a way that no other business mentor has been able to before. Her simple methodologies in the Style CEO really spoke to me, allowing me to move beyond my current service offering and move into a whole new dimension. Working with Christie has been such an invaluable investment, not only in my business but in myself and for that, I am truly grateful.” -Samara P.

Here's what's covered in this group coaching program:

The foundation work is some of the most essential:

- Creating clarity in your vision and the path of your business.

- Techniques that will help you cultivate success each day.

- Curating the mindset of a six-figure+ business owner.

- Pushing past limiting beliefs, blocks and anything else holding you back.

- Daily routines for success.

- How to manifest (and no, not just believe it, and it will come).

Your brand and mission are crucial in a thriving business. We'll get clear on the following:

- Who you serve and how to talk to them.

- creating a brand (and implementing it) that represents who you are while also calling in the soulmate clients you want to serve.

- We'll also cover how to ensure you can stand out authentically so people stop the scroll and look at YOU as a trusted expert.

Embodiment is one of the most important things in business. In this module, we'll ensure your brand and image align in a heart-centred way.

We'll talk about how to lead yourself and how to have your energy and messaging infused in your brand so you can deeply connect with your people. 

Creating UNIQUE TO YOU services and offerings that your clients are dying to jump in on is essential when starting a successful business. Not only this, but I want you to LOVE and feel giddy to offer the things you bring to life for your clients. I'm going to break down how to put an offer together (in person or online), so you can get paid quickly and effortlessly doing what you love while serving in the highest way possible! Services, programs, virtual services and events will be discussed in depth.

I'm giving away ALL of my timeless marketing secrets, strategies and must-knows for this industry that have helped me create over $2.5 million in sales over the past couple of years. Nothing icky - just heart-lead strategies you can shape to be your own while creating your empire. And no, you don't need 'to go viral', have complicated funnels, or ads like many coaches try and tell you. ;)

I'll cover social media and traditional marketing as someone that's been a fashion expert in traditional media and mastered social media sales as well. 

Want to be a fashion expert in media?

I've had the pleasure of being in media everywhere- TV, print, podcasts, online - you name it. I'll be sharing how you can create more exposure for yourself, and how to get into partnerships with brands and work with other companies to leverage your business and maximize relationships. Best of all? Media has always approached me - I'll teach you how you can do the same.

Being a Style CEO requires a new level of leadership - for yourself and those in your community (clients, programs, followers, etc.). I'll discuss money mindset, energetics, emotional intelligence, how to self-coach, strategy, scaling, how to allow for growth and pivots in your business, and how to ascend in the most authentic way possible continuously.  - everything you need!

Let's get you paid with ease! Sales are a necessity for every successful business. We're going to take any 'icky' feeling out and have you feeling empowered about selling and having so much fun doing it, that you'll forget you're selling. I'll also cover fees and how to charge so you feel divinely compensated - and not burnt out from undercharging.

As your business grows, every business owner needs some essentials to ensure continued success, client success, and the freedom you crave! I'll break it all down from teams, support, mindset and tools you need so you can fully embody being a Style CEO.

Virtual options are a non-negotiable nowadays. Let's discuss all things virtual; the tools, the service breakdowns, how to facilitate things online so you don't lose the magic of in-person, and more. 


A 7-day audio program helping you connect with your higher self and unlock the power within to create a new level of wealth and freedom. Comes with a workbook filled with empowering journalling prompts to help you tap into your abundance. 

Received a FREE copy of the Woman On The Rise Journal. This journal is the perfect place to start manifesting the life and business of your dreams alongside the Abundance Activation.

*Please note: Woman On The Rise Journal is only available to new students who purchase this course during the Early Bird period.*

A masterclass showing you how to analyze and re-trends from the runway so that you can be an industry leader, and know what is upcoming, and how to communicate it to your clients and lead yourself so that you are always ahead of the game and serving your clients in the best way possible. 

"I just finished the Style CEO course with Christie and can truly say it changed my business completely. I was just starting out as an image consultant/stylist and didn’t have a lot of direction or a clear starting point and was completely stagnant. What I did have was ambition and excitement. All I needed was Christie’s mentorship and business background to really get it off the ground. I’m so excited to now have a website, and active social media pages, and have had a bunch of paying clients! All of this happened during the 3 months of this course. 

My focus maybe isn’t traditional - I really want to work with college students and speak at colleges and universities about the importance of professional dress for internships and interviews. I’ve found this is a BIG thing college seniors are lacking. Christie is a great help no matter what your business focus (and in my Style CEO class we all had very different business ideas - which was so fun!). She takes the time to listen and always has such great business advice.

I loved getting to know the other stylists in my class. The Zoom sessions were so helpful to hear what everyone is up to and how it’s being implemented - all with Christie’s guidance. It’s so fun to be able to cheer each other on!

This definitely will not be my last class with Christie. I will forever consider her a mentor and am grateful for her support!" -Colleen P.


This program is held completely online! You'll receive 10 modules during the program (1 released each week) with information helping you become a Style CEO in your own business.


"I started my business in 2019. I was seeing clients here and there, but I knew I wanted more! I saw Christie in a YouTube video doing a color analysis and how she expressed her self about fashion, energy etc. I said to my self, “I like this girl” I want to be knowledgeable and successful like her, so I started following on Instagram. I finally decided to take a leap of faith and invest in her style CEO and coaching program. It absolutely blew my mind, I realize that I was doing it wrong! I needed to be a business owner first and Stylist second, I made changes and investments to my business, my lifestyle and within my self. Changes that would tell the universe “I am ready for this!”. Christie’s programs and herself have helped me stepped out of my comfort zone in so many ways and grow.  Now, my business is growing, I’m full time, I opened my OWN styling studio, AND attracting my ideal clients. To anyone that’s thinking about joining her programs, do it! Thank you Christie!  Your are Ah-mazing!" -Brenda I.


Style CEO

Join now if you're ready to get visible, make bank, and grow your styling business. Creative entrepreneurs welcome also.

Pay in-full


10 Training Modules & workbooks

 Lifetime access to the content

Mindset, embodiment and strategic tools to become a Style CEO.

All the tools you need to scale your business to multiple six figures and beyond and get the attention of media outlets.

Trendsetter Masterclass

Abundance Activation Masterclass

Buy Now

6 monthly payments



10 Training Modules & workbooks

Lifetime access to the content

Mindset, embodiment and strategic tools to become a Style CEO.

All the tools you need to scale your business to multiple six figures and beyond and get the attention of media outlets.

Trendsetter Masterclass

Abundance Activation Masterclass

Buy Now

The Stylist Atelier


Pay in-full

Group coaching with Christie for 6 months to skyrocket your business. Talk to her about your personal business needs on these calls! This alone is worth the price of the Atelier.

You can save $8k+ when you bundle and get ALL of Christie’s programs and masterclasses for stylists alongside 6 months of coaching and support to grow your business.

It includes Access to my four Core programs: Personal Stylist Training, Colour Analysis Training, Style CEO, and Energetic Codes, PLUS access to three new programs to be launched for stylists on money/packages + pricing, social media, and becoming a match for millions.

Instant access to my Abundance Activation and Trend Setter masterclass.

Access to any new masterclasses or trainings that Christie creates in 6 months.

A private stylist community to engage with your peers.

A copy of my Woman On The Rise Journal (limited to US & Canada only)

Buy Now

All online sales are final and subject to these terms.



  1. Will the course be mostly self-directed or do you plan of giving personal feedback too? The course will largely be self-directed. There’s no private coaching. However, I will be available and will be providing support during the group coaching calls: answering questions and providing feedback.  
  2. Can I take this if I've been in business already? Absolutely!
  3. How often will this program be offered? This will be our last live round of this program! After that, it will only be self-study. The only way to coach with me will be in the Stylist Atelier.
  4. I’m super busy right now. What if I don’t have time to take the course now? A module will be delivered each week, but is up to you when you start. You have this content forever. And you can take the course completely at your own pace and the coaching calls will be recorded.
  5. Are you offering a payment plan? Yes! You will find the payment options at the bottom of this page.
  6. What can I expect from this course? A step-by-step explanation on how-to create a business and brand you love that will help you call-in your ideal client. This is the formula I've used myself! 
  7. How long will it take me to see the results? Building a business and brand takes time. You get back what you put in! Result times will vary for each student, but many have created immediate growth!
  8. Can you guarantee specific results? I love this course process and deeply believe in what I teach. I’ve been a successful stylist for over a decade and can’t wait to help you do the same!

More Questions? Email: [email protected]

DISCLAIMER: Because I have to say this: I can’t guarantee or warrant results. The testimonials on this page may not be typical for all students.

50% Complete

Two Step

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